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The One Wiki to Rule Them All

The Kaukareldar are a race of 'False-fairies' or evil fay that appear Tolkien's earliest tales in the The Book of Lost Tales.


They were fashioned by Melko in the likeness of the Fairies, and these deceived and betrayed Men. With them he fostered distrust among Men and Elves and kept them spying on each other so that the two races would not combine against him.[1]

Melko sent Orcs, dragons, and evil fays after the wild elves and Noldoli he sought after so that their lives were full of sorrow and travail. Túvo protected Men and Elves from the Uvanimor and from 'evil fays', and Orcs besides. 

Tevildo was said to be an evil fay in a beastlike shape.

Behind the scenes

Under the root KAWA 'stoop' in QL are derivations kauka 'crooked, bent, humped', kauko 'humpback', kawin 'I bow', kaurë 'fear', kaurëa 'timid'.[2]


  1. Tolkien, J.R.R. (2012-02-15). The Book of Lost Tales, Part One: Part One: 1 (The History of Middle-earth) (pg. 272). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.
  2. Tolkien, J.R.R. (2012-02-15). The Book of Lost Tales, Part One: Part One: 1 (The History of Middle-Earth). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.